Hi, my name is Leah
 I am the singer for our new band! We have written a few songs, but still need to work on getting more songs, so don't get too excited about it yet because we are still working on the whole thing. Keep coming on the website for more info and we will keep you updated! But i know what you are all thinking  you haven't even heard us yet! But  we are still in the process so keep waiting and soon we will have some music that will hopefully blow your minds in a year or so !  We love that you are coming on our website and hopefully you do to! It's such a joy being able to be working with my two really great christian friends! Remember to keep coming on the site and hopefully some time soon we can have a video so you can hear our music! We love music and love to be instep with God! We pray and pray our Christian music will go far and so does my family and hopefully you guys! Me/Leah Sarah and Rachel's brother's, sister's, mom's and dad's are very supportive and we couldn't have started this without them! If you are really excited about our band and you can't wait write a comment it would be great and we would love to hear from you!!!!!! Also tell your friends about our site like Rachel said i'm sure they would love to hear of a new band!!!! I know i would!!!! Also i just want to let you know we are still in the middle of writing and learning our songs, so i don't want to get you're hopes up but in a year or so it will be a big good yay, ya they are finally making music!!!!!!!!! LOVE  -Leah :)
5/10/2010 01:23:46 am

I can't wait to hear your music! I will totally tell all my friends about you girls!!! :) :) :) :) :) :):):):):)


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